
Welcome! We have created this blog for the fourth grade students and their families. Here we will post information about each of the units that we are studying. We will provide links for games and websites that will be helpful.
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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Unit 10

Unit 10 focuses on refelction and symmetry. In this unit, we will take another look at geometry, with an emphasis on symmetry. Many objects in nature such as flowers, insects ,and humans have symmetry. just a few. Symmetry is all around in buildings, furniture, clothing, and paintings.
The class will focus on reflectional symmetry, also called line symmetry or mirror
symmetry, in which half of a figure is the mirror image of the other half. In class will use a tool called a transparent mirror to see and trace the mirror image of an object.
Geometry is not only the study of figures (such as lines, rectangles, and circles), but also the study of transformations or “motions” of figures. These motions include reflections (flips), rotations (turns), and translations (slides). We will use these motions to create pictures called frieze patterns.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Unit 11

We have skipped unit 10.
Don't worry! We'll come back to it after OAA testing!
In Unit 11,the focus will be on 3 dimensional shapes. We will learn how to identify solid figures like cubes, cylinders, rectangular prism, etc. By experimenting with cubes, the class will develop and apply a formula for finding the volumes of rectangular prisms (solids that look like boxes).

Buried Shapes http://www.primaryresources.co.uk/online/longshape3d.html

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Unit 9

This unit will combine the things you learned about fractions and decimals in unit 7 with new information about percents. We will learn how to use a calculator to convert decimals into fraction. We will also learn how to turn those decimals into percents.
You see percents often in school at the top of tests or graded work, but percents can be found in lots of places. Start looking for percents in things you read, when you are shopping, or even on your cereal box. Percents are everywhere! In this unit we will learn what they mean.
Check out some of the games for this unit to practice your skills and get ready for our unit test. Also, check out the video about fractions, decimals, and percents.


Decention @ Math Playground


Fraction Frenzy